Madden NFL 16 Guide: Players Positions

MaddenStore Date: Jan/07/16 17:14:17 Views: 3679

In Madden NFL 16, if you don’t know about the player positioning, you won’t be able to play against any team, you must know about the Offense, Defense and Special positions. Below you will know the detail guide of all the Offense, Defense and Special positions in the field.

madden 16


Offense Positions:


Quarterback (QB)

QB takes the snap from the lineman and hands off or pass the ball, or runs with the ball for a goal if he is fast enough.


Halfback (HB)

HB usually stands behind QB and takes handoffs on run plays. On pass plays he can run a route and become a receiver or can stay into help block.


Fullback (FB)

FB stands in front of HB and block players trying to tackle HB.


Wide Receiver (WR)

WR stands near the outer line of the field, to make some space for themselves on pass plays. QB throws ball towards them.


Tight End (TE)

TE commonly lines up outside the linemen and block on run plays or go out on pass plays.


Slot Receiver (SR)

SR lines up outside the tackles but inside the farthest WR. These players most often run routes over the middle of the field or use their speed to get deep.


Offensive Linemen (OL)

OL players block for QB and HB. The center is in middle and snaps the ball to QB on every play. There are guards on either side of the center RG and LG and two tackles RT and LT.


Defense Positions:


Defensive End (DE)

DE trying to sack QB on passing plays. Every Team usually have 2 DEs in most games.


Defensive Tackle (DT)

DT stands in the middle of defense. He is mostly plugging up middle and is usually one of the biggest players on the team.


Outside Linebacker (OLB)

LBs stands outside and can cover receivers or blitz on pass plays. They tackle anyone that gets past the line on a run play.


Middle Linebacker (MLB)

MLB stands right in the middle field for defense. He stands behind the defensive tackle and must tackle every single one coming through middle.


Cornerback (CB)

CB play outside and cover WR on passing plays.


Free Safety (FS)

FS backs up the cornerbacks and give them support in passing game.


Strong Safety (SS)

SS helps in passing game, also brought towards line of scrimmage to help in the run game.




Kicker (K)

Kicker is responsible for a field goal or extra-point kicks.


Punter (P)

Punter’s catches ball from long snapper and kick it downfield to the opposing team on fourth down.


Long Snapper (LS)

LS snaps the ball to holder on field goals or to punter to kick it.


Kick Returner (KR)

KR catches the kickoff from the opposing team and tries to return it as far as he can.


Punt Returner (PR)

PR is an elusive style player who catches punts from the opposing team and return it with the kick.


Third Down Running Back (3DRB)

3DBR is strong in passing game as a route runner or a pass blocker against blitzes.


Kickoff Specialist (KOS)

KOS kicks the ball off to the other team. Often kicker do this this duty.