Lost Ark Sorceress Engraving Guide - The Best Options Available!

MaddenStore Date: Jun/06/22 11:37:22 Views: 3971

Lost Ark Sorceress Engraving Guide - The Best Options Available!


The Sorceress is the primary Damage dealing mage in Lost Ark. This all-powerful Sorceress uses the powers of the elements to crush her enemies, unleashing cataclysmic fireballs on enemies or freezing them in place. Those looking for the best ways to build their Sorceress need look no further because we have the best Sorceress builds for the current Lost Ark meta.




Wizard Engraving Guide

The Sorceress comes with two unique class engravings to define how she plays the game. These engravings are called Reflux and Igniter, and both current meta engraving builds are built around them. This generally applies to all classes in Lost Ark, as class-specific engravings are very powerful.


Here are the exact effects of the engravings of both classes.

  • Low Tide - Lv. 3: Disables Arcane Rupture, but skill damage (except awakening and movement skills) +16%, and cooldown -10%.
  • Igniter - Level 3: When Magic Up is triggered, Normal Skills' Cooldown -is 50%. The chance of a critical hit + is 25% during magic amplification and Critical Damage + 50%.


The Igniter build is more popular with Lost Ark players as it is bulkier and slower, more geared towards using amplify magic. Although Reflux is less popular, it's still a good one as it focuses on cooldown reduction and speed. Whatever you choose to build, here's how you'll build them.

These lists are not complete. They leave room for one or two flexible engraving picks of your choice. However, the engravings listed are prioritized and should be used before what you add.


Build Sorceress Reflux

  • Accurate Dagger - Lv. 3: Critical Strike Chance +20%. Critical Damage -12%.
  • Strike Master - Lv. 3: Damage from attacks other than attacks from behind and frontal attacks +16%. Does not apply to awakening skills.
  • Adrenaline - Lv. 3: After using skills (except movement skills and basic attack) Atk. Power +1% for 6 seconds. Stacks up to 6 times. When the maximum number of stacks is reached, the chance of a critical hit is +15%. If a skill cancel cooldown reduction is applied to this effect, it is applied after the skill ends.
  • All-Out Attack - Lv. 3: Hold and Cast Speed ​​+20%. Damage +20%.
  • Malice - Lv. 3: Damage +20% against bosses or higher monsters. Incoming Damage +20%.
  • Cursed Doll - Lv. 3: Atk. Strength +16%. 25% healing, no natural recovery.


Sorceress Igniter

  • All-Out Attack - Lv. 3: Hold and Cast Speed ​​+20%. Damage +20%.
  • Strike Master - Lv. 3: Damage from attacks other than attacks from behind and frontal attacks +16%. Does not apply to awakening skills.
  • Accurate Dagger - Lv. 3: Critical Strike Chance +20%. Critical Damage -12%.
  • Adrenaline - Lv. 3: After using skills (except movement skills and basic attack) Atk. Power +1% for 6 seconds. Stacks up to 6 times. When the maximum number of stacks is reached, the chance of a critical hit is +15%. If a skill cancel cooldown reduction is applied to this effect, it is applied after the skill ends.
  • Malice - Lv. 3: Damage +20% against bosses or higher monsters. Incoming Damage +20%.
  • Cursed Doll - Lv. 3: Atk. Strength +16%. 25% healing, no natural recovery.


That's all you need to know to build your Lost Ark Sorceress! Check out our other Lost Ark articles for other class builds and guides. 


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